As soon as you are pregnant you are entitled to benefit in some way from the following:- (It does not matter how long you have been with your employer or how many hours you work.)
- The right to time off work, with pay, to attend antenatal appointments.
- The right to certain health and safety considerations; including an immediate risk assessment of your job role and a transfer to suitable alternative work if you cannot continue in your current job.
- The right not to be dismissed (or selected for redundancy) because of the pregnancy or for taking leave.
- The right to have your contractual benefits maintained during the whole of your maternity leave period.
- The right to take maternity leave of up to 52 weeks.
- The right to some form of maternity pay or maternity allowance.
- The right to return to work. This is to your original job if you have only taken 26 weeks Ordinary Leave. If you have taken longer than this, called Addition Leave, your Employer may offer you a suitable alternative role. If you have concerns about this, speak to a solicitor or our Advice Line.
Note: If you are a Part- time worker you are entitled to the same benefits as a full timer, on a pro-rata basis, unless your Employer gives you a good business reason for not doing so.If you are not given access to benefits and you think this is because you work part-time, contact our advice line.