Your Job Rights
Site updated on February 17, 2020
A plain English guide to your rights at work.
Dismissal rights
These rights apply if you have been dismissed, made redundant or your temporary or fixed term contract has not been renewed. It also covers Constructive Dismissal; where you resign due to your employers behaviour.
Family rights
There is now a great deal of legislation surrounding maternity leave and the rights that women and men now have, both during and after pregnancy. There is also information on Paternity Leave, Shared Parental Leave, Adoption Rights, Parental Leave, Flexible working and Dependant Leave.
Pay rights
Your pay rights. Minimum wage rights, unfair deductions and equal pay are all covered here. There is information on your rights to be paid if laid off by your Employer due to a shortage of work.
Contract rights
Many employment rights only apply to “employees” – an employee is someone who has a contract of employment. This section also lets you know the information your employer is required to provide to you, as well as your rights if your Employer wants to change your contract.
Discrimination rights
You should be able to go to work without being subjected to any form of unlawful Discrimination, Bullying or Harassment. This section tells you everything you need to know about unfair treatment at work
Other rights
It is probably safe to say that you have never had so many rights in the workplace. Topics covered here include Health and Safety; Data Protection; Whistleblowing; Medical Reports; Pensions and your Trade Union rights.