If, on medical grounds, you feel that are not able to continue to do your normal job, or some parts of your normal job, inform your employer immediately. This might be because of heavy lifting, night work, exposure to excessive heat or standing for long periods for example. Medical evidence may well be required to support your request.
Your employer is required to try and find you suitable alternative work, wherever this is possible. If no suitable alternative work can be found for you, you are entitled to a medical suspension on your normal rate of pay. If you refuse to consider suitable alternative work, you may well lose the right to paid suspension.
If you are still away from work, for a reason connected with the pregnancy, 4 weeks before the baby is due, your Employer may decide that your Maternity Leave period has started. Your Employer must inform you of this decision.
Your Employer is required by health and safety law to carry out a risk assessment as soon as they are made aware that you are pregnant. The risk assessment documents may identify certain parts of your job that pose particular risks to a pregnant employee.
If you have not had a risk assessment since informing your Employer that you are pregnant, you should act quickly to ensure that both you and your child are safe from work related risks.