Additional maternity leave lasts for up to 26 weeks after Ordinary Leave, in other words 52 weeks total leave.
If you wish to return to work earlier than this you can, but you must provide at least 8 weeks notice to your employer.
Your employer cannot delay your return for more than 8 weeks if you have given proper notice of your intentions.If this happens ask for help from our Advice Line.
A woman returning from additional maternity leave is entitled to return to her old job and wherever possible must be allowed to do so. If it is genuinely not practicable for you to have your old job back, suitable alternative employment must be offered to you. This would normally mean the same or better general terms, conditions, location and status. There may be situations, for example a genuine redundancy situation, which prevent your return to work. Employers must take great care to ensure that you have not been selected for redundancy for any reason connected with your pregnancy, childbirth or taking leave. If this happens ask for help from our Advice Line.
Your employer must be clear that you have not been selected for redundancy for any reason connected with your pregnancy, childbirth or for taking maternity leave. You can appeal against being selected for redundancy. For further information, refer to the section on Redundancy, under Your Dismissal Rights or ask for help from our Advice Line.
You can request returning to work on different hours by making a Flexible Working Request: refer to that section for more information. Whatever changes you request must be agreed with your Employer and has to suit the business too.